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JeremyC Is Cm7sus a real chord? (46) RE: Is Cm7sus a real chord? 05 Jul 07

You know, I think transcribers too often try to show off by overanalyzing the harmony. Sometimes that level of detail is important, but in a song like "Feelin' Groovy," no one should give a crap. In most folk(ish) songs, anything beyond the root, third, and fifth is almost always a passing tone, even when it's a dominant seventh.

(see how I double-qualified that?)

In summary, harmonic analysis on folk tunes is usually silly and/or pointless overkill, although it's useful in certain classical music.

sus4 chords resolve most naturally to the major third, by the way. Less distance to travel. That's why you sometimes hear baroque or classical pieces in a minor key resolve to a major triad. Nothing saying you CAN'T resolve sus4 to minor; it gives it a darker and slightly unexpected sound. sus2 is better for resolving to minor in a conventional way, though you can certainly use it for majors too.

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