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Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) RE: SunCube Fiasco 19 Jul 07

Hello Enertwent
Sorry if I spelled your name is much harder to spell than Keef is!
Please don't read any offence into that, I am genuine and I would be genuinely interested in obtaining a system.
I am away from home at the moment and having a few hassles using public computers.
My usual residence is NSW North coast.
I am intending to leave on a 6 month holiday shortly, going to UK and Ireland to pursue my musical ambitions and to drink heaps of Guiness and Murphys stout.
Since you are in EU I could easily make contact with you. (I hold Australian and EU passports).
I am very interested in any business or employment opportunities in the solar area.
I am qualified in electronics and salesmanship and have run my own business.
I won't give out my email on a public forum but you can send me a message via Mudcat private message...just join up then we can get in touch.

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