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Polly Squeezebox Lyr Req: Edelweiss (Rodgers & Hammerstein) (28) RE: Lyr Req: Edelweiss 26 Jul 07

Hi Dr. Price,

The instrument you describe seems to be a Stieirische Harmonika. I fell in love with the sound of one on my first visit to the Stieirmark area of Austria some 20 odd years ago. More recently we were visiting the Tirol and on a day's visit to Innsbruck when I spotted one in a music shop. This was very unusual because they are usually made to order only. Jack (husband) being in his most generous mood ever very kindly bought it for me (£2,000 + !!!). I am probably the proud owner of the only Stieirisch in UK. To my shame I rarely play it - it is very heavy. When I am going to be attending an event I know you will be at (Crediton 2008?), I will bring it with me so that you can examine it closely - a truly beautiful instrument. On the rare occasions I do take it out it really confuses session players when I start playing what looks rather like a melodeon. If playing 'known' session tunes they reach for instruments then start puzzling to find the key I'm playing in - my 3-row Stieirische is in brass band tuning!

Lucky me, I'm off to the Tirol again in 5 weeks (and hoping they'll have some sun there!).


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