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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sapper on MENTOR, just pulling into Derby BS: UP MARKET HOTELS? (17) RE: BS: UP MARKET HOTELS? 27 Jul 07

One of the biggest bugbears is that, because people see us staying in "posh" hotels, they get the idea that when we're working away, we're having a whale of a time.
Well, if over 58hrs work in a week is a good time, I'd hate to see a bad one!!
Generally, we get in, check in, grab some scoff and away to bed!!
If we have an early finish I might go for a walk and do a recce on the area.
Just as finish times can vary between mid-afternoon and late evening, so start times can be between "silly o'clock" in the morning and 10ish. Can knock any social life well and truly on the head!!

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