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GUEST,LKGuest Chords - Polly Von (17) RE: Chords - Polly Von 22 Aug 07

I absolutely love the version entitled "Molly Ban (Bawn)" Allison Krauss performs with the Chieftains. I just can't get into the Peter, Paul, and Mary version. Anyway, after a lot of messing around on my ukulele (which is the best someone with short fingers can manage), I came up with this version. Maybe someone with an actual guitar and some lessons behind them can improve on it.

[C]Come [F]all, ye young [C]fowlers who [Dm]handle a [C]gun
Be- [F/C]ware of night [Bb]rambling by the [F]setting of the [C]sun
And [Bb]beware of an [C]accident that [Dm]happened of [C]late
To [C]young Molly [Bb]Bawn, and [Dm]sad was her [C]fate.

She was [F]going to her [C]uncle's when a [Dm]shower came [C]on
She went [F]under a [C7]green bush, the [Gm]shower to [C]shun
Her white [F]apron wrapped [C]around her, he [Dm]took her for a [C]swan
But a [C]hush and a [Gm]sigh! 'Twas his [Dm]own Molly [C]Bawn

He [F]quickly ran to [C]her and [Dm]found she was [C]dead
And [C]there on her [Bb/Gm]bosom many [Dm]salt tears he [C]shed
He ran [F]home to his [C]father with his [Dm]gun in his [C]hand
Saying, [C]"Father, dear [Gm]Father, I have [Dm]shot Molly [C]Bawn."

Her white [F]apron wrapped [C]around her, he [Dm]took her for a [C]swan
But a [C]hush and a [Gm]sigh! 'Twas his [Dm]own Molly [C]Bawn.

He [F]roamed near the [C]place where his [Dm]true love was [C]slain
He [F]wept bitter [Bb/Gm]tears, but his [Dm]cries were in [C]vain
As he [F]looked o'er the [C]lake a [Dm]swan glided [C]by
And the [C]sun slowly [Gm]sank in the [Dm]gray of [C}sky

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