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Irish Rover Just out of curiosity. . . (32) RE: BS: Just out of curiosity. . . 18 Apr 00

Well I'm new to the threads so: I was born in Lurgan,county Armagh N.Ireland in 1947 came to America in1954 my father was Scot and my mother Irish Cath. english soldiers burned our home in 54 (mixed race marriage). grew up in Chicago, started performing in 1960 in Old Town(new Art when he was young and wild) played Irish&Scots folk before it was a "thing" was drafted in 66 saw all of S.E. Asia for ten lovely years.........I like all forms of music. but I reserve the right to not like some pieces. I have two masters degrees from U.C. Berkeley and 12 minors including celtic history( taught at N.Illinois U) and american history (taught at Queenstown Belfast N.I. I'm now OLD so I do not travel the road much any more I live outside Columbus Oh. on a farm near Washington C.H My group Haggis DU Jour opened the I.N.A. concert last fall

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