Mandy finished watering in the greenhouse, and took her watering can to tend the far-flung botanicals on board. The rings on her toes made a tap-tap as she ran up the service stairs. She'd had about enough of the pneumatic doors sucking in her skirts and leaving her stranded until the next JoeSpacesuit came along.
When she entered the room of Gladys and the Daisies, she saw a strange green man staring at the geranium, deep in concentration. She was at once overpowered with the smell of mowed grass.....Olfactory stimuli that took her mind back to Mandola and the last time she had felt dirt between her toes.
As she made her way closer, she thought she saw leaves in his matted hair. As she reached to pull them out she noticed that it wasn't exactly hair that he had...more like branches. The leaves were growing there.
She introduced herself to the green man, and poured him another cup of tea before tending to the plant. She could hear the buzzing of the microtransmitter and wondered if it had escaped the attentions of the green man
"Must you send every little thing down to that horrible creature?" asked Mandy to the geranium
"Yes" nodded one of the Daisies
"Oh yes, yes, yes!" bobbed the rest in unison
"No fear, m'dear" said the swaying Gladys, who only ever seemed to talk in rhyme anymore.
"She needs a touch more nitrogen in the soil at the next re-potting, I think" smiled Mandy as she left the green man to his thoughts.