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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JenEllen MudCat Tavern Enterprise Part 2 (67* d) RE: MudCat Tavern Enterprise Part 2 20 Apr 00

Mandy deposited the Green Man, D'morn, in a safe plant-free room. She wasn't entirely sure what his game was, but she would be damned if she'd allow the Frodis to ruin another life.

Upon entering the garden deck, she sees the captain of the Grace Darling, and hears a muffled groaning coming from behind the tanks. She hurredly accepts the captain's medallion, tells him she'll give it some thought, and takes her leave of him.

When the door closes behind the captain, she rushes behind the tank to find the battered Terran confusedly trying to regain his feet. She squirms under his arm, and acting as a crutch, leads him to her rooms in the back of the garden.

Once the Terran was sufficiently propped on some pillows, she tended to the collossal lump on the back of his head. She took some dried leaves of some odd botanical, and crushed them into her palm, added a drop of oil, and then touched the substance to the Terran's temples. Instantly his eyes cleared, headache gone.

"Now you had best tell me what you know about this." she said brandishing the Captain's medallion. "Or that sad Green Man? What of HIM? I run a peaceable garden, grow some fruit, all in all I have mended my wicked ways, and then YOU people come along and all of the sudden our lovely ship is in the midst of war! Lunatics running around in piss-stained bathtowels, madmen looking for jello pits and clean underwear?"

The Terran remembered thinking to himself that there were few things in all the universes more entertaining than a Mandolian tantrum, then he promptly passed out.

Mandy chuckled to herself, and went to the small table near the Terran's head. Here she asked a small fern named Petunia to watch him in his slumber. She then tucked a blanket of Mandolian Angel Fluff up around his chin, gave him a small kiss on the forehead for pleasant dreams, and made sure to lock her door on the way out. If the Terran wouldn't give her answers, she'd find them on her own.

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