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GaryD Help: Boarding Party: Tell me about them! (20) RE: Help: Boarding Party: Tell me about them! 21 Apr 00

Sandy, you must have been the one I talked to when I ordered those tapes & CD's... thank you so much for your choices.. I've extremely enjoyed the Golden Ring, Schneyer, & certainly that Boarding Party tapes.. I'm gong to get the other one next week..

I am truly grieved that they can't perform together anymore... Give them my regards & best wishes.. especially the one with that insidious illness..such a tragedy!..

As for the rest of you...thanks immensely for your input.. I'm going to check out some of the things you said... If there are other performers with that great kind of harmony & note of authenticity, let me know. I do have a personal page here, too.

Meanwhile..still waiting to ditch this dinosaur & get my new IMAC so I can actually HEAR some of the music up here on the net.. & hope you all have a Blessed Holiday.. Gary

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