Look, all kidding aside, you have your allegiances, and you have your thoughts about who is valuable, and who's a bum. Abreu might be a bum for past digressions, as could Arod. Truth is, for the Yankees he has been a positive. And I said it before, I know the playoffs are the other season, but at least until they start, and whatever you think, can you not agree that Arod has been awesome this year. If only some of that spills into the playoffs....well, who knows. I like the mixup of teams this year in the National League, and I'd like to see any of them, but especially the Phillies or the Cubs make it all the way. Not an argument for this year, but when the Yankees were the team 96-2000, I got into arguments with Mets fans all the time about how we bought our team, to which my response was, oh, so we bought Jeter, Petite, Posada, Rivera,Bernie Williams? No, we raised them in the minors. This is a high priced team this year for sure, and if you ask me, that has been a contributing factor to why the Yankees have not been as good recently. But I am pleased with what they have done with Cano, Cabrera, Duncan, and Joba this year, which is why I again say, this team is peaking right now, so don't count them out. I think this is already going to be a great playoffs, and whoever you support, good luck!