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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,JenEllen Mudcat Tavern Enterprise Part 3 (93* d) RE: Mudcat Tavern Enterprise Part 3 25 Apr 00

*Yeah Amos, I'll have to agree with Leej on this one. Would you feel better knowing your life was entirely spent in the same safe rut, or that a part of it was spent dancing across the universe?*

"It'll have to be something stronger than lemonade, I think." Mandy replied as she took the Terran's arm. "That Songstealer was awfully close."

The two of them reached the tavern, and Mandy steered the Terran towards one of the booths in the back. The guys from Engineering were giving her a bit of the 'wink-wink, nudge-nudge', but she silenced them with a single glance.

As they sat, Mandy told the Terran about the mission the Enterprise was on. She solemnly recounted the conversation she'd had with the Admiral, and told him that they were headed for the Crab Nebula at the request of the Green Man.

The Terran measured every word the Mandolan spoke. His attentions seemed to draw the story from her. Of course, it was all speculation as of yet, but she told him of how she believed the Green Man to be a SongCatcher. One of the travellers. He must be on this ship for a reason, or else the Songstealers wouldn't be here, right? She had yet to meet with this SongCatcher, the circumstances surrounding the morning had prevented that.

She told the Terran of her friend, Farkin. They had gone through ship-board orientation together on a small moon of Polaris, and had remained friends ever since. The language of the Ice Giants was very similar to the creaking and groaning language that the trees spoke in the Forest of Fret on Mandola, and Mandy loved listening to him. The two made a laughable pair, the hulking Ice Giant and the Mandolan maiden, but their steady friendship put them at ease with each other.

The Terran listened still to the Mandolan. She was beginning to tire, and sat with her head cradled in her hands. She told him of the prospect of getting the Green Man and Farkin together, but it wouldn't be safe if there were more Songstealers aboard. Wurlitzer or no, the threat would put them all in danger.

She sighed lightly, with her head in her hands, closed her double row of eyelashes, and slept.

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