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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Ian cookieless Davey Graham: what a waste (307* d) RE: Davey Graham: what a waste 27 Oct 07

I have no control over other people's nature, charitable or otherwise. Everything we do has consequences that can never be predicted. We have to do what we do and hope for the best or do nothing. If someone - especially a legend like DG - is regularly (normally, it now seems) incapable and excruciating on stage, I want people to know so that they don't waste their money and remain with, hopefully, good memories of him.

And what if he reads this? An artist must, somewhere in their consciousness, have in mind that they want their audience to think well of them and enjoy the night. He needs to know the truth. Everyone I spoke to in the audience that night - and it did create a coming together afterwards, a kind of stunned cameraderie, as we all thought it was so awful - thought exactly the same as me and my two friends. They thought the same as every almost person, as far I can tell, who has posted on the web about a performance of his in the last few years. We don't do him any favours by allowing this to continue.

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