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GUEST,JenEllen Thought for the Day - April 26 (20) RE: Thought for the Day - April 26 26 Apr 00

LOL Peter, ya knucklehead!

A tumbleweed is a glorious thing! It gets to live twice. First as an aromatic sage, and the resurrection comes after it dies and comes to life again under the touch of the wind.
You know those popular 'bath scrunchie' things that folks use in the shower these days? Imagine one anywhere from the size of a softball to the size of a volkswagen. Delicate, dessicated lace rolling along at the whim of the breezes. Dust devils suck them up and send them soaring with the hawks, and then most of them end their days being blown against a fence somewhere where they wait patiently for either the wind to change, or some farmer to burn them. Either way they get back to the sky.

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