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PeadarOfPortsmouth Origins: Kilkelly (Peter Jones) (39) RE: Chords Req: Kilkelly Ireland (Peter Jones) 06 Nov 07

I LOVE this hearing it and love performing it.

Actually, could I introduce a thread drift while we're on this song? I recently heard a comment about this song from one of the players in a session I go to and I wanted to see if any of you agree with him.

We were talking about different songs and how there are some in his eyes that, once you've heard it, you don't need to hear it again. The first one he cited was "The Sick Note"...funny song, but once you've heard it and know the punch line, why bother again.

I was a bit taken a-back when he said the same about "Kilkenny" -- well written, poignant, but once you've heard the story behind it, that's it.

Personally, I think that could be said for any song...but I'm wondering if anyone out there agrees with or has heard something similar about this song.


ps - not that I'm going to stop singing it, mind you. ;-)

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