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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie how do I know when strings are worn out? (84* d) RE: how do I know when strings are worn out? 07 Nov 07

The very fact that someone has actually ASKED this question encompasses everything that is wrong with the 'folk' community today, please, if you are so fucking inept that you have to ask this question it really vindicates every criticism that people throw at folk music. Can't you tell when they sound dull? It's something I learned 30 odd years ago when I started playing, it's one of the basics of being a musician. I railed at my 15 year old son tonight because after taking Bass Guitar lessons for over a year he said he still couldn't tune the thing on his own...He damned well should be able to! it's one of the basics! I'm sorry to be blunt but I don't think on the folk scene there are enough people who are blunt, use those slivers of meat on the side of your head, EARS! You don't need fancy electronic tuners, just your own common sense.... I really do despair?

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