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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Amazzed Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko (179* d) RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean? 17 Nov 07

I have spent the entire morning reading these Iko comments and it was time well spent. This is my first time at this site.I was interested in the translation of the non english words in this song and just could not find anything but a copy of the lyrics and names of those who recorded it.(over and over again). I am a fan of unusual music and teach it to my grandchildren.This is my conclusion the interpretation depends entirely on the spelling of the words and they seem to be slang.My grandmother was raised in the rural south by her grandmother.They had many terms in their vocabulary that are not in the dictionary.For example a rampshon was a large quantity of anything. I am now a big fan of this sight.

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