Clinton, after serious reflection (Yeah, for about 0.00000001 of a second!) - I'll take the pint. A true story along the same line. Many years ago, I was having a pint in my local (Scotland) when a bunch of Young Conservatives (these are the kind of folks that Monty Python's "Upper Class Twit Of The Year" sketch was based on) wandered in with big lapel buttons which read "Kiss Me - I'm Conservative!" Well, Big Ian, the Scottish Nationalist, who had a huge, full beard, grabs one of these pretty boys in a bear hug (actually, if you put Big Ian and a bear in a line-up, you'd have dificulty deciding which was who) and gives him a big smacker full on the lips for about 20 seconds. I have never seen buttons disappear faster than I did that night. I never saw the slogan used ever again.