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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
brunettebuffy Upbeat Traditional Songs (40) Upbeat Traditional Songs 19 Nov 07

Hello, relatively new person here. How d'y'do?

I am trying to increase my repertoire at the moment, and somone very nice *tactfully* pointed out that most of the songs I like to do are quite sedate, and that I might think about adding some more up-tempo ones. I prefer ones that either I've learned from someone else or have come through my family, but we're pretty much out. I'd rather not start learning all the ones off lots of famous people's new CDs (call me picky but there it is). I am a bit stumped, to be honest.

Does anyone have any suggestions for songs, or where I might look? I'm not so hot on the music reading, so anything with music files, even snippets, would be just top.



Me: What day is it?
Him: Umm, Septober.

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