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brunettebuffy Upbeat Traditional Songs (40) RE: Upbeat Traditional Songs 19 Nov 07

Aw thanks.

I am a bit hesitant to admit it because I'm quite new to it, and am winging it somewhat. Mostly they are already ones off old folk LPs or from my folks which in some ways seems like cheating but I'm not sure where else to get them, and I have no frame of reference to what is considered naff.

So, here are a few of the songs wot I have recently dun:
A Fair Maid Walking All In Her Garden
Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
Who's the Fool Now (some bloke came up to me afterwards and described with a rather critical tone how it was done to death in the sixties, but I wasn't around then so I didn't know. Confidence took a knock after that, but I suppose I have to learn to be more resilient if I want to do it)
Week Before Easter
Attempted the Black Cook once, which was alright but it's so long I don't think I'll ever get it down completely!

I did do Botany Bay, The Trees They Do Grow High and Sweet England but I got fed up of those and haven't done them in a while. I don't do it that often but some new ones would be good.

I hope that has now not made me some form of folk outcast, or that the folk police are not on the way...?


Me: What day is it?
Him: Umm, Septober.

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