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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
brunettebuffy Upbeat Traditional Songs (40) RE: Upbeat Traditional Songs 21 Nov 07

Mostly I play guitar and sing, but sometimes I just sing by myself (less to concentrate on!) I am a standard-fan, although I am just learning DADGAD (slowly).

There's nothing wrong with the family stuff, but unfortunately it has to rely on ageing memories, and a limited repertoire to begin with, so I think I know it all now!

By upbeat, I mean more tempo-wise. I'm not fussy if they are happy or depressing. Death counts don't worry me at all...

I really like Old Joe Clark, I found a version of that last night, it's top. I think that will go on the list! I do love sea shanties, I have a CD of some Smithsonian Folkways recordings which are superb, but mostly they are done with lots and lots of voices and not much else, so I need to think more creatively with some of those...

Finally I am in East Anglia. I must see if I can find any local to where I grew up. I didn't think of that...!

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