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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jennifer B WOODY'S cook-in sauce & Sweet 'n' Sour (1) WOODY'S cook-in sauce & Sweet 'n' Sour 27 Nov 07

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let you'all know that our favorite cook-in sauces are available again. I just got my first shipment on Saturday!!! This is the original stuff!!!!!:) Same old Woody's-new owners are "Woody's Foods". Website: or call them toll free (why pay for long distance, right?) at: 1-888-747-9229.
Let's make sure that the new company knows we never want this to go out of production again......Call all the grocery stores that you can and demand it be on the condiment isle. Look out other "sauces" (sugary dyed imitations), cause WOODY'S is BACK!!!!!!:)

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