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GUEST,Suzy Thompson 1959 Newport Folk Festival-seek photos/films (6) 1959 Newport Folk Festival 28 Nov 07

Greetings all,
I am looking for photos or film footage from the 1959 Newport Folk Festival, especially of the New Lost City Ramblers but pix of others (or of the audience) would be great too. Also looking for photos or footage of folk music parties or "hoots" from the late 1950s or early 60s, ditto photos or footage of jamming in Washington Square Park from the same era. These would be for possible use in a documentary film about the New Lost City Ramblers which is being made by Chris Strachwitz (Arhoolie Foundation) and Yasha Aginsky. I have the glorified title of Assistant Producer (which a friend who works in film in L.A. has just informed me is a nonexistent title...)

If you have any of these items, or can give me any leads on where I might find them, that would be greatly appreciated. I have found some wonderful photos online but I suspect that there is much more good stuff out there -- it would be especially wonderful to find film footage but photos would also be good.

Please contact me offlist -- I hope it is kosher to put my email address here -- please send any suggestions to suzy(AT)

Many thanks,
Suzy Thompson

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