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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Songster Bob A few odd questions (27) RE: A few odd questions 30 Nov 07

3. Where can I buy an add on pick-up for an acoustic guitar that doesn't hurt the guitar and is decent but not too expensive?

eBay -- I got a Lace pickup that's pretty nice, and doesn't require any modification to the instrument. There are also many other makes available there. If you don't want to use eBay to buy, it's still a good place to see what's available and what kind of prices are "out there."

As for the first two questions, I suspect YouTube will allow you to search on Chevalier and "I Remember It Well." The Harrison Ford song might be findable through "the Google," if you use enough keywords.

Good luck on the sneakers, though. They're likely to have been reported as a bio-hazard and removed by the hazmat team.


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