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MikeRebec New Recorder group Cheshire, UK anyone? (25) RE: New Recorder group Cheshire, UK anyone? 02 Dec 07

Eric I fear that you miss the point. Recorders in the rennaissance period were used as a consort instrument. That is, they played individual parts often, although not exclusively, in a SATB (soprano,alto,tenor,bass) format. Of course the instrument tends to be quieter the larger it gets but you would be very unlikely to hear a bass, great bass, quint bass, quart bass or great extended bass playing solo! And furthermore, rennaissance recorders had a wider bore so giving a fuller sound. Do listen to some recorder consort recordings and I hope you'll admit that not only is the volume sufficient for your needs but that the music is glorious in the extreme. And anyway, the recorder was/is an indoor instrument. The louder instruments such as shawms and the brass instruments of the period were outdoor instruments.
In the baroque era the bore was narrowed for a greater extension and for solo work and please listen to the works of Handel, Vivaldi, Bach and Telleman, just to name a few, to witness the beauty of the solo instrument, usually the alto and often accompanied by harpsichord and viola da gamba.

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