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GUEST,Ian cookieless Chord Req: Two Brothers (on their way, one wore... (5) RE: Chord Req: two brothers( on their way one wore blu 16 Dec 07

laterstarter, I sing this song - it's a stunner, and audiences always ask about it or comment on it after the performance. There are many ways to do a song, of course, but I never play 'chords' in the obvious sense at all (by which I mean playing 4, 5 or 6 strings together and strumming). I think this song works particularly well on the guitar by playing the exact vocal line doubling up the voice, with one or two harmonised notes above or below the vocal line. In effect, you'd be imitating two or three part harmony. I also really take my time over it. You end up with quite a sparse and sombre sound and plenty of room to let the song 'breathe'. Hope this makes sense. All the very best with your arrangement.

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