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GUEST,Karen Lyr Req: Newfoundland Mermaid song (49) RE: Lyr Req: Newfoundland Mermaid song 20 Dec 07

Hi there - was in a nostalic mood on a rainy Vancouver night tonight and started like Catherine, looking for the lyrics of a song my Mother used to sing - and sure enough it was the same MERMAID song that Catherine asked about. As I recall, it was definitely the Mermaid Song that "oldhippie" posted. I remember clearly "the comb and glass in here hand". Wow, I grew up in rural Manitoba in the 1950's and had no idea this was a Newfoundland song. So, thanks for this - you put a smile on my face! Sure wish I could remember the tune...
At any rate, this was a great walk down memory lane - thanks again!

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