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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,amergin BS: To Catch a Predator (50) RE: BS: To Catch a Predator 31 Dec 07

I am sorry, but saying these bastards are otherwise good members of society...well they are doing more harm to people than they would if they were simple thieves or murderers. The people they are harming are children who must bear the mental scars for the rest of their lives. The mental scars never heal and are the hardest to deal with and get passed. Many people never do.

Also saying that this deviancy is a symptom of modern society, I beg to differ. Child molestation and incest have been going on for hundreds and thousands of years, but no one ever talked about it. It just was not done. In many societies to talk about such make you the criminal, not the pervert who perpetrated the act. The only difference between now and then, is that now you have so many avenues for one to practice his deviancy, whether by way of fantasy or reality...also now you have people who talk about it...and the crimes they committed or were committed to them.

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