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GUEST,Gene Burton Robert Johnson (animation) films at youtube (61* d) RE: Robert Johnson films at youtube 06 Jan 08

Bob: Yes, and yes, respectively. As it happens I have no great love for the British royal family (a view shared now by probably a majority of my countrymen). Although that's irrelevant to the original purpose of the thread. I just don't think these films are in fact making a clown out of Robert Johnson- what makes them funny and entertaining is that the expectations of the person clicking on the link and expecting to see unearthed footage of RJ are confounded, and from thence the humour arises. That and the technical skill of the animator. It worked for me, anyway. I expected, naiively I'm sure, to see live footage of Robert Johnson, was duped, and am perfectly willing to laugh at a joke against myself. A pity not everyone seems to be able to do that...

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