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GUEST,Songster Bob NEFFA April 25-27, 2008 - who's going? (54* d) RE: NEFFA 2008 - who's going? 04 Feb 08

I am scheduled to do a set with my Sidekick, Pete Kraemer, on Sunday, and will be helping him with his "Leadbelly Songs You Already Know" on Saturday. My wife, Jennifer Woods, has a broken-token song workshop on Sunday, following the Sidekicks set.

However, we have asked to move our Sunday sets to Saturday, if possible, because staying the extra day is too expensive (an extra night in the motel, and a day of non-existent annual leave to drive back south on Monday). So, if they can't move us, we may have to cancel Sunday and just do the Leadbelly songs workshop on Saturday. The only other option would be moving our sets to first two things Sunday, and then driving home. That we could do.

In other words, we're probably going to be there, but how long is questionable.

Bob Clayton

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