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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,irishenglish concertinas in folk music (51* d) RE: concertinas in folk music 04 Feb 08

Pardon me, and I don't mean to be offensive to anyone, but why didn't this thread start off as a technical discssion of the concertina? I love concertina, and to be honest, its an instrument I tend to think of as specifically a folk instrument! I know about the piano in folk music thread currently going on here, and given my own answer, but Dick, since you are a very able player yourself, I find the question a bit odd. It seems like this has gotten into a tech aspect amongst you concertina players anyway, but I don't think on this forum you will get the kind of divisiveness about a concertina as you will get on the piano-apples to oranges. Again, not picking a fight here, just an observation, Cheers, irishenglish

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