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GUEST,Zorro Seeking your Witty Stage Patter! (88* d) RE: Seeking your Witty Stage Patter! 12 May 00

Picking with a friend in an after hours club in Corpus Christi, Texas.. There were two very loud young men right in front of us, not listening to anything but each other and they were both LOUD. I had had a couple of beers (or two) and remembered a line from an old Dave Gardner LP. When I finally got their attention I said: "Hey guys, I don't come out to where your working and hide your shovel!" My partner Jake and I both held our breath, but it worked! I heard Doc Watson on a live album in response to a guy making cat calls from the audience; "Yeah, I remember my first beer too, Buddy." Steven Wright's one liners are not offensive or off color and fit well on stage. He has a web site. Hope this helps.. Zorro/Texas

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