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Rana who SHOULD be working Lanois and the Original Sloth Band (1) Lanois and the Original Sloth Band 12 May 00


This sort of combines two previous but recent threads - Original Sloth Band and Daniel Lanois.

Having moved to Toronto well after the Original Sloth Band disbanded, I have only heard them when they did their 30th Anniversary Concert, (and will hear them again on Saturday, May 27 for their 35 Anniversary Concert. However , in the last few days I have listen to 3 of their lp's and caught the acknowledgement to Dan Lanois of Grant Ave Studios for his work on the studio part of the 1978 album.

I had first come across Lanois on his work on the "Apollo soundtrack" with Brian Eno. so this predates it and puts a definite folk + Blues + ... connection.

Cheers Rana

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