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GUEST,The Mole Catcher's unplugged Apprentice Lyr Req: Auntie Mary Had a Canary (45) RE: Lyr Req: Auntie Mary Had A Canary 27 Feb 08

There is this one, I found recently on another bulletin board...:-D

Aunt Mary had a canary
Up the leg of her drawers
She pulled the string to hear it sing
And down came Santa Claus

Uncle Jock, he had a sock
Up the pleat of his kilt
When he was a-sleepin, we were a-peepin
To see how well he was built

Chase me Charlie, I've got barley
Up the leg of me drawers
If you don't believe me, come and feel me
Up the leg of me drawers

Cousin Minnie wore a bikini
Underneath her shirt
A handsome guy he tried to spy
And she kicked him where it hurt.

Charlotte (the tune plays wonderfully on the piano)

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