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GUEST,Suffolk Miracle Folk terminology (90* d) RE: Folk terminology 03 Mar 08

"Don't get up there and tell me you haven't had time to rehearse--go home and get the damn thing down and then come back and do it right"

Thank God someone has said it out loud at last! I feel purged. How many more times do I have to listen to someone say 'I may not get this quite right because I only learnt it this morning'? Of course theyl not get it right. Even in the unlikely eveent that they manage to remember both the words and the tune they will still not get it RIGHT because they will have no familiarity with the song. They will never have investigated the nuances of the song and made the decisions about what works and what doesn't which makes the song their own and makes the song an interpretation for their audience. If they are not going to do that, their is no point in being a performer. They may as well hand out photocopies of the words to all those present and let them read it for themselves!
OK I know I am a bit sad - I am the man who once spent an entire day singing Robin a Thrush over and over again some 50 times to decide whether I preferred Hippety Hoppety or Jiggedy Jaggedy as the best s line. But that's what learning a song is about.
(The answer by the way is Jiggedy Jaggedy!)

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