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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Joe Offer, at the Women's Center Tech: Unwanted 'Spyware Remover' (& cat) (58* d) RE: Tech: Unwanted 'Spyware Remover' 03 Mar 08

OK, so now the Women's Center has something called "Malware Alarm" and another called "Advanced Cleaner" that want to install themselves, and keep displaying ominous warnings to get you to agree to install.

So far, I haven't been able to find specific information about "Malware Alarm" and "Advanced Cleaner" at Symantec, McAfee, or any Website I trust.

Also, on bootup I get a messages saying Rundll has an error loading windows\system32\nqsdjkdt.dll - and Google won't tell me what the *.dll file is.




Oh, and the other thing is that while I'm doing this, the Women's Center cat is very interested in the process, and keeps walking across the keyboard, and sniffing around and purring and making herself a general nuisance. I admit that the cat is very good for the well-being of all the staff and guests here, but she sure is a nuisance when I'm doing computer work. When I was working on the Website and before I had a chance to back it up, I was scared to death she was going to walk over the keyboard, hit CTRL-A and "delete." this cat is too smart for her own good. The only animal I want near a computer is a mouse....

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