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GUEST,Suffolk Miracle Lyr Req: The Volunteer Organist (Gray/Spaulding) (39) RE: Lyr Req: The Volunteer Organist 06 Mar 08

The late Jack Elliott of Birtley had a parody of this which went something after this fashion:

The Deputy at our main flat one Saturday morning said
'Our putters are all off today. Can someone putt instead?'
An anxious look came to the face of every miner there
To see who on a Saturday would bloody volunteer.
An old man staggered down the pit his clothes were old and worn.
How strange it seemed to have a miner there on Saturday morn.
And when his fingers touched the tubs without a single word
The language then that followed was the worst I ever heard!

CHO: The scene was one I'll not forget as long as I may live
And for to see it all again my earthly wealth I'd give.
The hewers standing all amazed, the Deputy old and grey
And the putter there who volunteered to work on Saturday.

And when it all was over he vowed he'd putt no more.
The Deputy said, 'You've done alright lad; you've putt seven score'.
He said, 'That very well may be, but I know what I feel like.
If you want a volunteer next week you can come round for the wife.'

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