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Polly Squeezebox Eva Cassidy A'New' Discovery (24) RE: Eva Cassidy A'New' Discovery 08 Mar 08

Eva recorded 'I wandered by a brookside' which was one of the songs 'refound' by Barbara Berry who put the music to it. Sales of Eva's recording have done much to ease Barbara's later life by way of an electric mobility scooter, etc. Barbara and Len were on the English folk circuit for many years as Portway Pedlars - many more people will know their son Bob Berry who, together with wife Gill, is largely responsible for the continuance of the Chippenham Folk Festival. However, credit for Barbara receiving the royalties for 'I Wandered by a Brookside' belongs to another (much maligned) folk orgainiser - Steve Heap. If Steve had not persisted with his claiming copyright for Barbara she would not have received the royalties due to her from Eva's recording which has eased both her and Len's later lives.


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