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Lin in Kansas BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho! (290* d) RE: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho! 25 Mar 08


I didn't even know I HAD a system! John's always surprising me!

As for bookcases, we have no walls whatsoever left in this house and have debated getting rid of the windows so we can put up a couple more bookcases. The entire basement is full of bookcases too. I think John figured out once that we had something like 314 feet of bookshelves.

The ones we have are all full--again. I need to add another bookcase in the bedroom, assuming I can find part of the floor in there to do so. I'll have to ask permission of the Furry Children first; they think the bedroom belongs to them, especially when the electric blanket is turned on.

Almost finished with my brother's project. Yay!


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