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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
yalleh BS: Lights Out for an Hour, Please... (82* d) RE: BS: Lights Out for an Hour, Please... 29 Mar 08

I did some researching and it turns out that to get the same amount of light out of candles as it does for a typical 60 watt light bulb we would put nearly 20 times more Carbon off gases into the air. How exactly does this reduce our carbon footprint?

I would like to do something useful for the environment, I don't think this is really going to help. I bought energy efficient light bulbs and tought myself to drive so that I regularily get 10-25% above the rated fuel rating. I could do a thread on how to do this and we could actually make a difference. OR.... we could all get together and buy catalytic converters for people in China, Mexico, other countries that don't regulate car emissions, this would reduce the NOx and SO2 emissions. NOx and SO2 are 100 times worse for the environment than CO2, this alone would make a bigger difference than everyone turning off all their lights for over a million hours.

Sorry for sounding like a prick, I care about the environment and actually want to do something about!!!!

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