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GUEST,ruth sans biscuit Brazil family in the news (88* d) RE: Brazil family in the news 01 Apr 08

Thompson, the fans were trying to get in. Because of the inadequate turnstiles, it's been proven that there is no way all of the fans with tickets could have got in to the stadium, so something had to be done in order to get them all in. The senior officer in charge on the day later lied and said that the fans had forced a gate open to get in. It was proven that he had himself given the order to open the gate. The police were also not positioned at the entries to the full pens as they should have been, in order to let the fans still entering know that they were full and direct them elsewhere. Consequently, the fans coming in had no idea that they were contributing to the crushing which was happening at the front.

There has never been ANY EVIDENCE produced for the Sun's allegations.

Hillsborough was a tragedy which was brought about by police negligence and incompetence. The people who survived had their lives changed forever.

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