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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
iancarterb BS: All TV Hi Def (44) RE: BS: All TV Hi Def 13 Apr 08

TIVO really does work, tho' the HD version is 300 bucks at the best price I know of. The single stream version of TIVO is selling in many places for $100. I believe - NOT sure, but a webcheck will tell you- it will still be useful for a single stream recording or live viewing as a DTV tuner for old sets or HD capable sets. If I'm wrong about that I hope someone will post the correction. Of course the TIVO service costs a monthly or annual fee. You are in a favored location, because off-air reception of DTV is WAY better than what the cable systems have to do to the signal to get all that bandwidth through that little bitty pipe!
Carter B

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