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GUEST,Griff, Las Vegas Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel (26) RE: Obit: Monk's psychiatrist(actor) Stanley Kamel 17 Apr 08

I believe that most of the time actors who pass away in real life are simply replaced with other actors. My guess is that the producers of Monk will make a notable and conspicuous exception. Unlike a dime-a-dozen character such as a detective or DA on "Law and Order," many of whom are expected to be replaced as they climb their vocational ladders, Stanley Kamel's character development cannot be adequately replaced by another actor. While it may be slightly over-the-top to "kill off his character" and allow Monk to solve the crime, I wouldn't be surprised if he were allowed to pass away from natural causes and cause Monk serious consternation. His passing might even be a catalyst for Monk becoming more focused and ultimately solving Trudy's murder, which, sadly to say, we all know will be the ultimate conclusion to the masterful series.

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