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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,john f weldon BS: Brit /Canadian Health Care Awful? US,too? (93* d) RE: BS: Brit /Canadian Health Care Awful? US,too? 17 Apr 08

I'm Canadian, I'm old enough to remember the days before medicare, when you could die for lack of cash.
I've been suffering from pneumonia lately; when I realized I was sick, I was given an appointment by the my doctor in just two hours; three hours later I had antibiotics in hand.

In the last few years I've had a CAT scan, an MRI, several XRAYs etc, all with very little waiting.

Drugs are covered at 80%, everything else, 100%.

Everything that American right-wing politicians say about the Canadian system is a lie.

It works well, and can truly save your life.

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