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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,john f weldon BS: Brit /Canadian Health Care Awful? US,too? (93* d) RE: BS: Brit /Canadian Health Care Awful? US,too? 17 Apr 08

Sorry, but I really have to continue this rant, but it's important for Americans to understand.

A few years ago, a friend, a penniless farmer, managed to mangle his right hand in a piece of farm machinery. His friends quickly picked up bits of detached fingers from the mud; an hour later he was racing to Montreal in an ambulance with finger-bits in an ice-filled plastic bag.

The operating room was waiting for him when he got there, and a top-notch surgeon put him back together.

It may seem like a snarky joke to say that two months later he was playing the guitar as well as ever, but it's quite literally true. And it didn't cost him a cent.

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