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GUEST,Bill the sound Lyr/Chords Req: Funny Song Suggestions Required (37) Lyr/Chords Add: GET UP AND GO (Pete Seeger) 12 May 08

(Pete Seeger)

C                            G7
Old age is golden so I've heard said
But sometimes I wonder as I crawl into bed
                   F                                 C
With my ears in a drawer my teeth in a cup
        D7                                          G
My eyes on a table until I wake up
         C                                  F
As sleep dims me vision I say to myself
Is there anything else I should lay on the shelf
                       F                                          C
But though nations are warring and business is vexed
        G7                                                             C
I'll still stick around to see what happens next.

F                                   C
How do I know my youth is all spent
           G7                       C
My get up and go has got up and went
                F                       C
But in spite of it all I'm able to grin
           G7                                                    C
And think of the places my get up has been.

When I was young my slippers were red
I could kick my heels right over my head
When I was older my slippers were blue
But still I could dance the whole night through
Now I am older my slippers are black
I huff to the shops and puff my way back
But never you laugh I don't mind at all
I'd rather be huffing than not puff at all


I get up each morning and dust off my wits
Open the paper and read the obits
If I'm not there I know I'm not dead
So I eat a good breakfast and go back to bed.


I usually sing this if I think there is nobody older than me in the room.

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