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GUEST,liz the squeak Cerne Abbas (69* d) RE: Cerne Abbas 25 May 00

Seen the Kiwi - it is a bit grubby now because it's not been scoured for a while, but still there. I stopped working in the New Inn in 1982..... the Royal Oak is the one at a fork in the road, the New Inn has a big drive in car park, and a U shaped room around a central bar. Lots of old country 'accessories' around, like gin traps (for catching rabbits, not gin, although there are a few Americans who think otherwise.... sorry, I was young and silly, they were old and stupid.....) and a big garden at the top of the yard.

Several years ago there was a request to cut another figure on the opposite hill to sort of even it up a bit... The chosen icon was the famous 'wind up the skirt' shot of Marylin Munroe. It was marked out in white paint, but it was decided that because it was a full sillhouette and not an outline, it wouldn't be in keeping with the 'ambience' of the area. And no one would contemplate doing a pair of bristols 60ft across........


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