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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,liz the squeak BS: Festivals-wet or dry? (20) RE: BS: Festivals-wet or dry? 25 May 00

Been to many festivals over the years, and the only trouble I've ever seen or had is with the locals who usually only drink lager and decide to give this newfangled drink called 'beer' a try, and are invariably dumped on their arses because they are not used to it.

This usually only happens in military towns where there are a lot of macho testosterone fuelled men between 18-28. Great fun wandering the bars with a baby in your arms saying 'I'm looking for her father....' Ah, the cold frosty looks and the explaining that THEY had to do !!

Anyway, the only time anyone has ever made a real nuisance of themselves on a campsite, was as a result of mixing drink and drugs. And even then the only violence was a) threatened upon him if he didn't shut up spouting bad poetry and b) him massacring the English language by spouting bad poetry.

Football matches are supposed to be dry, and see what trouble they have!


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