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GUEST,Gay Keep Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?! (76* d) RE: Help: Capital Ship's 'boxing glove'?!?! 22 May 08

I've been singing this with our Sea Music group Dogwatch for 30 years and I'm always amazed at the number of people who request it by a variety of names. Skip Henderson here in the bay area recently recorded it on his CD Poet & Pirate Overtures. I have a book titled "Songs of Western Colleges" published in 1902 where the song is called "Blow Ye Winds High- Ho", it has 5 verses. Here is a link to the online book,

The first person to request this song(in about 1979) was a woman in her 80s who told us it was sung to her in the nursery around 1900. She was thrilled when we told her we knew it.

More recently I was emailed by a man who found our bands webpage searching for the lyrics and a recording of the song for his father who in his 90s. This song has legs! They always sang it when camping and traveling. My kids love to sing it too.

I've also seen it in 1930s Navy Song Books.

Glad to hear from this thread that others have recorded it and it still has plenty of fans to pass it on to future generations.

Gary Keep

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