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Rustic Rebel BS: The Mother of all BS threads (59141* d) RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads 28 May 08

Back again to tell you my one sure answer to the 'Can you stalk Shatner' quiz;

9. When Captain Kirk died in "Star Trek; Generations," I:

a. Saw it as the passing of a torch.
b. Understood it was the kind of death he'd have wanted.
c. Had some sort of seizure.
d. Spent the next 48 consecutive hours covering the walls and ceiling of my room at the YMCA with a giant collage using images of Paramount executives, war atrocities, industrial accidents and meat packing plants, then lay naked on the floor in the fetal position until an Angel of the Lord came and gave me my mission.

Is a for sure 'd.' I love to lay naked in the fetal position and wait on an angel.

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