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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sean Ruprecht-Belt Experiencing a Musical Indentity Crisis (27) RE: Experiencing a Musical Indentity Crisis 30 May 00

I've played guitar and sung both accompanied and acapella for years. Then a while back I decided to take up the banjo, and more recently, the dulcimer. Now I'm having to relearn how to sing with an instrument all over again! It's fun, but I do find that I'm focussing more on fiddle tunes and dance music with these instruments and that's also changing the way I think about the guitar.

My advice (and worth every penny it costs, mind you ;-)) is to continue to explore singing and take a few peeks behind those doors that Mr. Fielding mentions above. But, don't put too much pressure on yourself. If playing music isn't fun, it's just not worth doing IMHO.

- Sean

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